Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the schedule for the summer? When are practices, meets and other events?
A: Swim season runs from approximately mid-May through mid-July (or through the end of July, if your swimmer qualifies for additional meets). You can find the full schedule here and see details on practices here.
Q: What is the difference between Thunderbolts, Thundersquad, and Prep team? Which level is best for my child? And are there tryouts for the team?
A: The team has three levels – Thunderbolts (main team), Thundersquad (junior team), and Thundersquad Prep (team-in-training). Practice times and meets depend on your child’s level. Please see more information here.
Thundersquad swimmers can participate in Monday night (“B”) meets (additional meet info below). All swimmers are members of the DR team.
Swimmers are not automatically placed by age. Our coaches decide the best level for each child during evaluations, which take place in May, but there will also be opportunities throughout the season for assessment and possible movement to another team. Swim Team Representatives will email all registered families this spring with further details.
Q: Do I have to be a member of DRRA to join the swim team?
Yes, you MUST be a Shareholder, Full Summer or Late Summer (previously called August/September) member of the pool to join the Swim and Dive Teams. Our pool membership guidelines are very strict when it comes to participation.
Please see here for more information on membership and for details on how to apply.
Q: Who are the coaches?
A: We’re excited for Phil Caslavka to return as our Head Coach for the 2024 season, and we look forward to welcoming Emily Warren has Assistant Head Coach. Information about the full coaching staff can be found here.
Q: How can I apply to become a coach?
A: All members of the pool typically receive an email in December, outlining the hiring process for the forthcoming season. The hiring portal typically opens on January 1 and closes on February 1 for returning staff, and on March 1 for new staff. Please see the Hiring page for more information.
Q: When is registration?
A: Registration will open March 1 and close April 1, and a waitlist may be implemented prior to that date depending on enrollment. We will honor refund requests through May 24.
Q: Does my child need to purchase a team swim suit? What other equipment does my child need?
A: A team suit is not required for meets but is preferred. Swimmers can choose any suit they would like for practices but it is highly recommended that they wear a suit designed for competitive swimming (bikinis, trunks, and board shorts are discouraged because they slow swimmers down in the lanes).
This spring, the DR team suit will be available for purchase at Sport Fair (5010 Langston Blvd.), and at the pre-season ice cream social.
Regarding technical suits: Per NVSL rules, tech suits cannot be worn by any 12 & Under swimmer. Among other things, a tech suit has bonded seams. Sport Fair can answer additional questions.
Swim goggles are highly recommended for all swimmers.
Swim caps: Swim caps are highly recommended, and you are highly encouraged to wear a DR cap at all meets/events. NVSL does not permit swimmers at NVSL events (A meets, etc.) to wear swim caps with name/image from any team other than their NVSL team. The team will order latex DR swim caps for swimmers and provide the opportunity to order silicone DR caps (with or without names). Many swimmers find the silicone caps to be more comfortable and last longer.
All Thunderbolts and Thundersquad swimmers are asked to bring swimming fins and a swimming snorkel (i.e., NOT scuba), to practice. This equipment is available at Sport Fair, as well. A pull buoy and swimming paddles are also recommended.
Pro tip: Put your swimmer’s name on all equipment with permanent marker!!
Q: How can I purchase DR Thunderbolts merchandise?
A: All swimmers receive a complimentary team t-shirt as part of registration. There will also be an opportunity to purchase DR-themed clothing and accessories during the registration process, and at times throughout the season as well.
Q: My kids will miss practice a few times, is this okay?
A: Practice is held daily throughout the season. We hope your child can make every practice, but we understand that they may miss some practices due to other conflicts. Summer swim is meant to be fun, but like all sports you need to practice to continue to improve throughout the season.
Q: Are practices or meets canceled for bad weather?
A: Summer swimming is an outdoor sport and we are at the mercy of the weather. No swim meet or practice is canceled due to just rain, unless pool conditions deteriorate and become unsafe.
The pool is heated but please make sure the kids have towels available as it can get chilly during the early weeks of practice.
Lightning and thunder are a different story and they are always taken seriously. Once thunder is heard, the pool will close and everyone will be asked to leave the pool area and wait in cars. Please do not panic. Each pool has different procedures, but typically we are all asked to wait approximately 30 - 60 minutes after the last thunder was heard before returning to the pool to continue the meet. During these instances, Swim Team Representatives will provide status updates to all parents and swimmers via email.
Q: I’ve heard there are a lot of traditions throughout the season as well as social events. What do I need to know?
A: Please see the traditions tab for more information, as well as the events calendar.
Q: Who do I speak with if I have any questions?
A: Contact the team representatives first with any questions or concerns. If they cannot answer or resolve the issue, they will direct you to the appropriate person.
Do not approach the coaches during practice. They are there to work with the swimmers and ensure safety at all times. If you want to discuss swim-specific items with our Head or Assistant Head Coach, such as training, please try to arrange it with them in advance, for after practice has ended for the day (i.e., not between groups).
Q: I’ve heard that there are both A meets and B meets – what’s the difference and how does my child qualify?
B meets (Development Meets)
Developmental meets (or “B” meets) are held every Monday evening (5 or 6 total) throughout the season. They typically start around 5:30pm and end around 9:00 p.m. Some of these meets are held at Donaldson Run, others are held elsewhere (not only at Division 1 pools). See the schedule for details.
All Thunderbolt and Thundersquad team members are invited to participate. Swimmers can enter in two events per meet, and each week we will ask parents to sign up for the events your child would like to swim. B meet strokes need to be selected by parents by Sunday evening prior to the meet on Monday.
A meets (Competitive Meets)
Dual meets (“A” meets) are competitive meets against other pools in NVSL Division 1 (our performance in these meets dictates division assignment each year). They are held on Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM until approximately 11:30 AM. There are five A meets per season, two or three of which will be held at Donaldson Run, the rest at other Division pools.
The A meet swimmers are determined each week based on their times and other criteria to develop a team for each meet. At A meets, 1st place receives 5 points, 2nd place receives 3 points, and 3rd place receives 1 point. For relays: 1st place receives 5 points.
Swimmers may not always be placed in events / strokes that are their strongest or favorite. We ask that swimmers and parents respect the coaching decisions, which are final.
A meet swimmers for each week are announced on Tuesdays. Responses are required by 5pm on Wednesdays to confirm the swimmer’s participation in the meet that Saturday.
Q: How are A meet swimmers determined?
A: The coaches use times from the current season to determine who will represent DR at the NVSL A meets on Saturday mornings. Team representatives will post the "ladder" each week at the pool, after the B meet results are finalized.
For A meets, DR is permitted to enter 3 swimmers in each individual event, with a maximum of 2 individual events per swimmer, and decisions are made based on the ladder. In addition to individual events, there are age group and mixed age relays that your swimmer may be asked to participate in.
Please be available for A meets. We understand that summer plans can be a conflict, but it is important that we represent DR at every A meet with the strongest possible lineup. And if you’re swimming in an A meet, please stay until the end to support the team.
Q: My kids are nervous about swimming in a meet, do they have to participate?
A: No, but we encourage attendance at the meets to continue to build confidence and friendships, and support our DR swimmers! We also encourage swimmers to attend A meets, regardless of whether or not they are participating. These meets are fun, fast, and we encourage the DR community to come out and cheer!
Q: I have heard that swim meets last FOREVER. Is that true?
A: As noted above, typical B meets will run about 3-4 hours as there are multiple heats for each event. Since most of the younger swimmers only swim freestyle and backstroke, we typically run these events first. We encourage swimmers to stay and cheer on their teammates if possible, and we are always in need of volunteers for the 2nd half of B meets!
An A meet is 'short and sweet', one heat for every event, including relays. We ask that all swimmers stay for the entire meet to cheer on their teammates, through the relays.
There are plenty of volunteer opportunities for both A and B meets, and the more volunteers we have, the faster the meets will run. Plus, the time will fly by and you will have fun in the process!
Q: What if my child qualifies for an A meet but isn’t available or has to back out at the last minute?
A: We understand that summer plans can be a conflict, but it is important that we represent DR at every A meet with the strongest possible lineup. Please try to make your swimmer available for A meets. While last minute changes are permitted, they are strongly discouraged.
Q: If my child qualifies for additional meets, what does that entail?
A: Divisional and All Star Relay Meets take place during the regular season. Divisional relay teams will be determined by the coaches based on swim times, among other factors.
There are two additional meets that swimmers can qualify for, once the regular season is over: Individual Divisionals and All Stars.
For the Divisional meet, swimmers compete against other individuals from the same NVSL division. DR may only enter two swimmers in each event (free, back, breast, fly and IM) and a swimmer may swim a maximum of two events.
For All Stars, the top 18 swimmers for each event, across all of the results from NVSL Divisionals (i.e., only times at Divisionals are considered), qualify for the meet. Two alternates are also chosen in case other swimmers are not present.
Q: What are the volunteering expectations for parents?
A: It takes a lot of volunteers to support a team as large as ours. As many as 70 from DR alone! Each family is expected to volunteer several times during the summer, during meets and/or at practices, and/or by hosting or supporting social events. The jobs are fun and a great way to meet people! Our volunteer coordinators Erin Thompson and Jane Wishneff will send volunteer sign up notifications throughout the summer and before events, but you can also sign up at any point via the Swim Meets/Events tab.
Details about all of our different jobs can be found here, and please reach out to the volunteer coordinators with any questions.
Q: I’m interested in becoming a swim meet official. What should I do?
A: The Northern Virginia Swim League will be running virtual and in-person trainings for stroke and turn judges, starters, referees, etc. We are always looking for new/additional officials to ensure we can run our meets!
If you have any interest, please contact the volunteer coordinators to find out more.
Q: How do you communicate with parents during the season?
A: The Swim Team Representatives will send regular emails throughout the season, with information on registration, meet sign ups, meet qualifications, social events, and more. Summer swim is fast and furious. There will be lots of emails, so parents should regularly check their email during swim season (especially on meet days!) for critical information and updates. We will also provide as much information as possible in advance on our website.
Additionally, there is a weekly newsletter sent to all parents that includes updates and important information, and that highlights swimmers’ accomplishments throughout the season (including “Swimmers of the Week,” who are selected for how much they’ve improved, sportsmanship, etc.).
We also encourage you to follow DR on Facebook and on X (and NVSL on Instagram!) but emails will have the most timely updates!
Q: Can I stay and watch practice?
A: You are welcome to observe practice from the snack bar area or picnic table areas. Parents/caregivers are not permitted anywhere on the pool deck during practice, and we will ask you to move. Please do not approach the coaches during practice. They are there to work with the swimmers and ensure safety at all times. If you want to discuss swim-specific items with our Head or Assistant Head Coach, such as training, please try to arrange it with them in advance, for after practice has ended for the day (i.e., not between groups).
Q: Can I hang out on the pool deck during meets?
A: Only volunteers for that meet are allowed on the pool deck, where they are needed. With potentially hundreds of swimmers and volunteers, it is simply too crowded and unsafe otherwise. Every pool will have designated spectator areas. BUT, volunteers have the best sightlines of the swimming so please sign up!
Q: Who do I go to with questions?
A: Contact the Swim Team Representatives. If we can’t answer the question, we’ll put you in touch with the right person.
One other thing. In addition to being DR swim team families, we’re all neighbors in the Donaldson Run community. When traveling back-and-forth for practices (sometimes multiple times a day!), meets, and other events, please be cognizant of the speed limit along Marcey Road, driveway placement when parking on the street, and other neighborhood considerations. We also encourage carpooling, or joining the many swimmers who walk or bike to practice.